EP41: RT – Monkey Business

recorded LIVE on Mixlr | get the app



Show Notes

Andy Mineo, hey Andy… thanks for starting off the show via Periscope.  | Get Periscope

Periscope is finally on Android! Deneé can’t really help herself, she has to jump in and try it out right at the top of the show.  | Follow Denee and Aaron

Tassie Tab is a kid character that Deneé voices. If you’ve heard the original episodes of Shoe the Doe (available when you subscribe) you’ll know that Tassie Tab starts off every episode.  What do you think? Should she come back to start the show again?

Should Tassie Tab open the show?

Should who do what?

Poll Maker

Headline Hunt turns Headline Purge and becomes Headline Hoarder behold, the list of headlines referenced in the show!
“Frozen may have a dark secret you didn’t notice”
“Sea Lion Stowaway” 
-YouTube video of guy that has animals come up to him. (curse words are present in video)

“Tweet for Pizza”
“Jurassic World Understatement”
“Hunger Games Theme Park”
-Proposed Dubai Hotel Pic

Giving away $25 in our Sift Pop group on Band! | Get the app!

“Daddy, where to apps come from?”  “Palo Alto son…. the birthing place of all apps.”

Random Tandem today is all about the ex. Fun fact, Aaron does not have any and yet he dated.  


•Happy Birthday to Aaron! On the date of the recording Aaron turned 40! Deneé believes this means his eyes will pretty much immediately begin to stop working properly.. which leads to a conversation on bionic implants…which leads to the epic quote of the show

“I don’t want implants” – Deneé

One Word Story launch word “Bull Riding”